Partial Payments:
Partial payments, if included in the lease agreement or payment terms, enable renters to submit multiple payments towards an invoice. With partial payments, you, as the property owner, do not receive the full rent invoice amount upfront. Instead, you receive smaller payments each time your renter makes a partial payment. Learn more about partial payments here.
Flexible Rent Installments via Livble:
Flexible rent via Livble offers renters an installment payment plan for $30 per use of service. Livble pays you, the property owner, the full rent amount upfront on behalf of your renter. Subsequently, your renter pays Livble in installments throughout the month. Think of it as a “buy now, pay later” option for your renters. With Livble, you receive your full rental income upfront and on time, while your renters enjoy enhanced budget flexibility.
In scenarios where partial payments are not a part of the payment terms, Livble serves as an excellent solution for renters to divide their rent into manageable payments, ensuring property owners receive the entire rent payment on time. Livble helps renters avoid late fees and credit card charges, providing them with increased cash flow between paydays.