Azibo offers a range of features to streamline interactions between landlords and renters, ensuring a hassle-free rental experience for everyone involved. Here's a glimpse into the notifications that are sent by the Azibo platform, to save you time and keep your renter updated.
Invitations for Account Creation: With Azibo, inviting your tenant to set up their account is a breeze. Once invited, your tenant will receive a personalized link via text and/or email. This link serves as their gateway to hassle-free account creation. During this process, tenants can update their contact details like name, email, and phone number.
Rent Reminder Notices: Our automated system generates invoices based on your predefined terms. Your tenants receive timely reminders – both 7 days and 3 days before the due date. Additionally, Azibo keeps tenants in the loop when you request a one-time payment.
- Payment Status Updates: Azibo ensures your tenants are informed about the status of their payments. No more guessing games – they'll receive notifications confirming successful payments.
- Autopay and Scheduled Payment Updates: Azibo ensures your renters are always informed about their scheduled payments. Our platform sends timely notifications and updates, making sure both you and your tenant are on the same page.
Overdue Rent Alerts: In case of overdue rent, you have the option to send overdue notices directly from the invoice details. A little nudge never hurts.
Updated Payment Terms Notifications: Flexibility with clarity. If you modify invoice data or payment terms, Azibo automatically notifies your tenants. Their auto-pay feature is temporarily disabled, ensuring they consent to the changes before they take effect.
Lease Expiry Alerts: Stay ahead of the curve. Azibo alerts your tenants as their lease agreement approaches its end. Ensure seamless transitions by keeping everyone informed well in advance.
Application approval: Effortlessly manage rental applications. Azibo streamlines the approval process, keeping both landlords and renters informed. Note: If you reject an applicant, no communications are sent.
- Lease signing invitation: Azibo facilitates lease signing invites, making the process smoother than ever.
Azibo is more than just a platform; it's a game-changer in the world of tenant communication. Simplify the renting process, eliminate confusion, and foster transparent interactions between landlords and renters. We do it so you don't have to!