Policy Information and Status
For policies powered by MSI (Century Insurance, Spinnaker Insurance, or Trisura Insurance):
Tenants can see their renters policy details at a high level on Azibo.com. Just sign in and they are right on the homepage under “Renters insurance.”
For policies powered by Assurant:
Tenants can see complete policy details by signing into myassurantpolicy.com.
Landlords on Azibo can see their tenants’ renters policy status. If the policy was purchased through the Azibo app, we keep the data up-to-date automatically and verify the details for both the landlord and the tenant.
If the policy was uploaded by the tenant, we show the data as the tenant entered it, but we don’t independently verify or sync the status.
Full Policy Details, Payments, and Invoices
For policies powered by MSI (Century Insurance, Spinnaker Insurance, or Trisura Insurance):
The tenant can see upcoming payments due for renters insurance in the “Upcoming payments” area on Azibo.com as the invoices are generated.
To see your policy in even more detail, refer to the email you received upon purchase of the policy, or visit your account at MSI's customer portal. Your account there was created upon purchase, and you received your initial login information via email. You can also download policy documents and a payment schedule (if applicable) from the links in that email.
For policies powered by Assurant:
Reference the email and/or mailed communication and policy documents from Assurant for all billing and policy details. You may also visit myassurantpolicy.com to make a payment, change your address, or file a claim.